Thursday, September 24, 2009

God-given Talents

Joshua, William, and I walked down to the pond and playground in our subdivision for some exercise this evening. Its not very far but there are hills that make it more than just a stroll. We leashed our miniature dachshund Annabelle and off we went.
Now Annabelle is not the smartest dog in the world. To say the least. She's about four years old and weighs probably ten to twelve pounds and is a red, wire-haired dog that we think has some terrier in her. Think of what Toto from the Wizard of Oz would have looked like if he had been a wiener dog.
Before we got her, she was a therapy dog at an old folk's home. Apparently too quick on the uptake, she swallowed a few dropped blood-thinner pills and was in doggie intensive care for a good while. All of this has left poor Annabelle a bit brain-damaged. She barks at things that aren't there, she runs into walls, and loves to stalk flies around our house. She hardly ever catches them, but they task her-- and she will have them!
We got down to the playground this evening and Josh and Will immediately started swinging. Both of these guys are swinging fools and will swing as long as you allow them to. Only recently have they discovered how to self-propel themselves on the swing, previously they glorifyed in being lazy swingers-- begging anyone and everyone for a, "little help."
After about thirty minutes of this, we decided to walk down to the pond to see if we could find any frogs or tadpoles. Joshua is on a science kick and loves this kind of stuff. We didn't find any aquatic life this time on the dock, but NOTE TO SELF--
Dogs DO NOT have the inborn, innate ability to swim as I had previously thought. Annabelle slipped off of the dock while trying to avoid being stepped on by William. She bobbed up and down for a moment before I finally figured out that she wasn't going to dog-paddle. If she hadn't been on a leash, I would've had to jump in after her!
I wonder if this is just our dim-witted dachshund, or if this is a phenomenon others have encountered with other breeds?

Things that make you go, "Hmmmmmm."

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